Tuesday, July 21, 2009

50 days-Our half way mark

When I realize that we are half way in our 100 day journey, I realize that I need to recommit. This last week I did not get all my exercise in and I can tell a difference. I feel sluggish and more tempted to eat what I shouldn't. The book "Intuitive Eating" is very helpful. I am learning things about myself that I wish I had been aware of long ago, just like Becky talked about in her blog.
We will al have hills and valleys in this journey I want to keep climbing in the right direction.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Holding the gains

Here we are in our 6th week of the challenge. I have really enjoyed reading everyone's blog. You are very motivating and make me laugh.
I actually feel like I have made improvements this week. My clothes are looser around my waist and I am enjoying exercising-just need to get it up to the 6 times a week.
This is a mental and physical thing-I have to want to change. Even Oprah who has a personal chef measure exactly what to eat and personal trainer has had setbacks.
Good luck this week.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Best nights sleep yet

Exercising this week with Beth got all the stress and cares out and I slept the best I have for a long time, it really felt good. The hard part was getting going the next day, my body said that was good but you are going to be nice to me today right.
Food for thought this week-Ask yourself what are your reasons for staying the same and what are your reasons for changing things in your life that will help you feel better?
I want to be healthier, have more energy, sleep better, be happier.
Here is the kicker--Change will only happen when your reasons to change are stonger than your reasons to stay the same.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Hardest week yet

After class on Wednesday I took my dog Chester to the vet for a checkup after being sick for a week, they thought he had kidney stones and we scheduled him for surgery on Tues. July 7th. That night he started having breathing problems and I took him to the Pet urgent care. They took x-rays and found a mass in his trachea- that the vet thought could be cancer, by then Chester was so stressed from trying to breathe that he gave him so sedation, Chester took the decision out of my hands and died shortly afterwards.
My mom died in March and being single my doggies are my kids. Needless to say this has been very traumatic for me and I slipped into some old habits. I should be grateful I only gained 2 pounds this week. I did walk and go to the wellness center twice, I should not have gone to the grocery store and bought some of my old comfort items.
Well, back to being committed. Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Healthy Food Options

I am very proud of myself this week for making healthy food choices. I went grocery shopping and bought fish, almonds fruit and veggies with some whole wheat bread.
I can't wait to try some of Monica's recipes they look really tasty and low-fat.
I am starting to enjoy the exercises-Beth had me try some new things this week and I was really nervous that I couldn't do it. I need to overcome the fear and try. I can always stop if it gets to hard. I really enjoy the weights far more than the aerobics.
Happy 4th of July--let's make healthy independence choices.